Friday, October 01, 2004

Am I missing something? I listened to the debate last night, from beginning to end. Today the talking heads are talking about what a skilled debater our president is.

I wonder if these people saw the same debate I did. To my eyes, it appeared that one very articulate, intelligent and confident man was sharing a stage with Alfred E. Newman. Everything Dubya had to say can be summed up in one sentence: John Kerry sends mixed messages.

Outside of Reagan toying with Carter in 1980, this was the first debate in which I genuinely laughed out loud. Every time Bush began to speak, I expected a “Weeeeeee Dawg!”, or maybe a “Why don’t you and me take this outside?” “I done told you, you stupid idiot; bilateral talks won’t work with North Korea! We need CHINA! CHINA! CHINA! Ain’t you listening?”

In all my years, I’ve not seen nor heard such a bumbling idiot posing as president as I did last night. You can say what you want about Reagan. Yes, there were times when I wondered if he was all there. But, when the pressure was on, Ron would shine. With Dubya, he just stammers.

I can’t fathom how anyone could even remotely compare the quality of the offerings of the candidates from last night’s debate. Yet, one journalist even mentioned that because Bush looked into the camera and Kerry preferred to meet Jim Lehrer’s eyes, that Kerry would be viewed as less effective. My God; anybody with working ears would be able to tell who was the only candidate worth even listening to.

This is in no way an endorsement of Kerry. Policy wise, I think both are reprehensible. Bush, however, is a certifiable moron. Period. If Karl Rove can keep him in the White House, then he could put Nixon back in office, decaying flesh and all.

Quote of the day:

Unjust laws exist; shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavor to amend them, and obey them until we have succeeded, or shall we transgress them at once?

Henry David Thoreau


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