Thursday, August 05, 2004


The stereo in my parent’s bedroom gave me my first experience with music. It was big and bulky, like a piece of furniture. On top were two slats of wood which slid open and closed. On these slats were two finger holes, just big enough for a penny to fit through. I put many pennies in those holes.

I remember the 45’s and the 78’s my mom used to play. Mostly Loretta Lynn and George Jones, although there were many more that I do not recognize. I do remember Johnny Cash, though.

When you changed speeds, the music would either speed up or slow down. My first experience with the chipmunk sound was through that stereo.

A little plastic thing which slid over the shaft that the record fit on stands out in my mind. I think this was called a magazine. It allowed 45’s to be played, because the holes in the center of 45’s were much bigger than 78’s.

Lots of little gadgets, switches, and buttons on the inside. It also contained a radio. It was varnished brown, had legs on the bottom, and built in speakers. My mom used it a lot.


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