Friday, November 05, 2004


The past couple of years have been eye openers for me, especially concerning politics and government. I’m not sure this is positive, for I feel more cynical than ever. Helpless, even. My only solace is the knowledge that everything operates in cycles, and the days of the millionaire madmen pulling their strings and destroying whoever they will are limited. Still, my amazement knows no bounds when it comes to the gullibility of the masses. To actually believe politicians have the people’s best interests at heart seems ludicrous, yet there are many believers. I sometimes honestly feel I’ve somehow been dropped on the wrong planet. Mother Ship, where are you?

War is a game. Those who control this game know how easy it is to make one group of people so angry and/or afraid of another group of people as to kill them without mercy. They know that if nation A believes that nation B has attacked, will attack, or might attack then the people of nation A can be counted on to support whatever action The Powers that Be deem necessary.

People in general are good. All people. I sincerely do not believe that there is a nation on this planet whose population would support waging war against another solely to overtake their resources. A major factor in controlling the masses, therefore, lies in the control of the media. Take warm, friendly, familiar faces, indoctrinate them, and put them on camera proclaiming how “great this nation and it’s government are. Those who say the government does bad things are just silly conspiracy buffs.” Katie Couric comes to mind.

Have those same faces talk about the threat from another nation, and people sit up and listen. The masses need no proof, are fueled only by emotion. Fear is the greatest motivator. Make them believe that people with skin color/beliefs/traditions/and ways of life different from their own are coming for no good, and you can control them however you choose. History is riddled with manipulations of this sort. From Napoleon to Hitler, to present day, reality bears little resemblance to what we’re told.

Of course our leaders are the Chosen Ones, and they see the big picture. The rest of us see only what’s in front of our faces. That’s the way they like it. They count on our jobs, families, and rush hour traffic to occupy our minds, our lives, to the point where we can’t focus on all their wrongdoings and manipulations.

Still, whatever evils reside in the hearts of those, the masses are to blame for those evils becoming manifest. I say this because no army, no weapon, no decree from on high could stop the masses united. If the Powers were to kill the masses, over whom would they govern? Give me liberty, or give me death is a slogan long forgotten. Liberty is a lost dream. The ugliest part, though, is that the masses don’t even know it. They call their lifestyle “free.” Free to do what? Certainly not free to say “no.”


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