Wednesday, November 08, 2006

An Apple a Day

I don’t get too excited these days about medical breakthroughs. When was the last time a “cure” was invented for anything? Not too long ago, we were curing diseases all the time, or at least inventing vaccinations. Think polio, TB, small pox. Western medicine, it must be remembered, is an industry, and as such, must make money.

If it were proven that eating a banana and an apple each morning would prevent cancer 100% of the time, do you think the medical establishment would herald it as a breakthrough? Hardly. In fact, they’d probably kill and hide the research with everything they could muster. Think of all the poor oncologists that such a find would put out of work. Imagine all the unemployment a cure for diabetes or AIDS would cause. What would Jerry Lewis do if Muscular Dystrophy were really cured?

I wouldn’t even get excited if they said they could now replace all of our internal organs with artificial ones, and that they would last indefinitely. It doesn’t excite me because these advances are only for people with money. $600,000 for a surgery? Even if I qualified for that kind of financing (I don’t), I think I’d rather be dead than to be that much in debt. People like me just know that if we get seriously ill, we’re going to die. Just give me some morphine, please.


At 2:04 AM, Blogger susan said...

Not to mention the pharmaceutical companies who would never let themselves become unemployed or the Health Care Lobbyists or the politicians who get money from pharmaceutical compnanies, etc. etc.

At 6:57 AM, Blogger A said...

Don't even get me started on pharmaceuticals. Now they're even advertising on TV? Yet our culture demonizes cannabis. How fucked are we?

Good to hear from you, Susan.


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