Monday, December 05, 2005

I seldom watch TV. I believe it's poison, subtle (and not so subtle) brainwashing, and, in many instances, is meant to dictate our behavior, by portraying what "normal" people are supposed to be like. The implication is: If you're not like this, something is wrong with you.

That said, last night, I watched NBC's prime time lineup. The last time I watched TV was about four months ago, and I was shocked by the change in climate. I'm talking political. Four months ago, no network would dare mention anything contradicting the Bush regime's policies. Last night, however, a Law and Order episode actually spoke out against torture, even citing Gitmo.
Strange how the tides can turn so fast. Conservative tide going out, Liberal tide moving in. Most of the American public are just pieces of driftwood being carried out and brought back. Eyes closed. Unaware. Blue pills.


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